
As I try to remain faithful… As I long to be who You have called me to be… I admit I have been unfaithful…
I have strayed so far away from home, trying so hard to live this life on my own… You are faithful,
You always will be there… When I fall away… You wait for me to come running back…
Your faithfulness is all around me… And yet I’ve been so unfaithful, in the midst…
You remain faithful, even when I seem to mess my life up… When I look I see You, and I see the old made new…
As I chase after You, pursuing You… Give me the strength, to remain faith filled… You are faithful…
Even when I come faithless… When I can’t see Your plan for my life… You remind me, that You are faithful…
I rest in assurance, You are my strength, You will remain true… When I turn my back on You…
It is then You call me back, it is when You embrace me after I come home… That I catch a glimpse of true faithfulness…
I long to become the person… You created me to be… As I look at the world around me, may Your presence fill me up…
I am so untrue, but I know that is not of You… I want to live faithful, but this world is telling me it doesn’t matter…
Whether I am faithful to my values… But I know You are a God of second chances… I know You will be there when I mess up…
When I come running, Your arms will be open… Then I truly begin to see, what sacrifice You gave for me…

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