There are times in my life that were tough/while I was in the moment/I didn’t understand exactly why/
I had to go through the storms/to find a rainbow on the other side/I learned so much/but yet I have so much more to learn/
I like to say I would do it all again in a heartbeat/but I think right now I’d be lying if I told you/
It’s like I am relieved that some things were hard/but there are other times I am not able to say/I would do it again/
when the times get hard/I don’t know about you but I want it just to end/I want to get to the point/
where I trust God enough/that the trials don’t scare me/I want to learn what it means to trust in the Lord/
I would do it again/if it meant that I could grow closer to my Savior/I try to remember/
when my Lord held me close in the tough times/I know so well that He is always holding me/
In my struggles it sure is hard to see it/I am a man and it seems so hard to wear my heart on my sleeve/
a song I sing are my heart on paper/I know there are others out there/but right now I feel so lonely/
because I don’t like trying something new/If I had the chance to trust you again/I would say bring it on/
Some days I feel confident in who I am/other days I feel down/It’s almost like a never ending roller coaster/
I would share your love again/and every day I see opportunities/but sometimes I let them slip through my fingers/
because I don’t feel like I am worthy/of your love or your calling/it is so hard to explain but it’s driving me insane/
I don’t want to share something with others that I’m having trouble accepting myself/
I know that your love for me never changes/I know that you are always there for me/no matter if I try to run away/
I tried to hide the fact that I wasn’t ready/to accept your love, mercy, and grace/
you told me that you were going to wait for me/and you weren’t going anywhere/
It was like I was learning the gospel all over again/
You shower me with blessings/I see some of them/others I am not thankful for/because they bring me pain/but in the end/
I experience your healing/I tried to escape the trials/I realized real quick that wasn’t going to work/
life kept throwing me curves/and I kept striking out at the plate/when I started looking to you for answers/
you helped me hit it out of the park/it’s so easy to take the credit/but I don’t deserve it/
I know it’s you that’s helping me/I try to get up/and you brush me off again/tell me that I’m still your child/
I would do it again/if it meant that I could bring you the glory that you desire/