At the beach

A walk along the ocean during the sunset…listening to the waves crash against the shore…feel the sand between your toes…
A talk along the shoreline…talking about our hopes and dreams with each other…holding hands and picking up seashells that have beauty…
Thinking about our future…laughing and crying about the things that are shared…we are so in touch with each other…a gentle squeeze says it all…
Looking to the ocean…water as far as we can see…

The wind is picking up…the breeze is getting colder…the day is getting darker…the sun is setting…the sky is all the colors of the rainbow…
We have a picnic…and then we go back home…we know that tomorrow will be another day…we will face it together…looking at today thinking of how good it was…
Holding on to memories we had with each other…tomorrow can be another page we write together…in our ever growing adventure book…sometimes a picture…
sometimes we will add our memories…another day in our forever together…

Let’s go home…maybe watch a movie together…could it be that tomorrow will be better…the beginning of forever…the beginning of life together…
It’s hard for me to open up…because I feel like my heart will be broken again…that’s something that time will heal…it’s hard for me to imagine…
to be free from the guilt and shame…but that’s the everlasting life that’s ours…Sometimes I wonder how I am ever gonna make it to the other side…
Eternity seems so far away…but my forever here on earth…gets to be spent with you…

The great part of starting over…is forgetting what is past…and looking forward to what’s to come…a life together with trials is different than one alone…
A life that has heartaches and heartbreaks…but knowing that you are never alone…it’s hard for me to understand…how freedom works from being a slave
for so long…my life can be so much richer…and it can be so much brighter with my baby by my side…we don’t have to understand everything…we just need to try
to understand each other…

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