
So when you think of the definition of a word, do you tend to try to recall the dictionary definition or if you’re like me I try to think of a definition that relates to my situation.

My mind sometimes gets cluttered, and when I try to find something or try to recall a memory, it needs to be exactly where I think I would’ve put it. It’s an ongoing task each day to put my thoughts in order whether that makes sense to others or not. I have a lot of things on my mind, but again who doesn’t these days? People tend to compartmentalize and when they do this to me, my pride gets in the way sometimes, and I get defensive. I think God is calling for us to humbly take correction or criticism in a loving, respectful way. I am guilty of not doing that. It’s hard when you can take constructive criticism from some people, but if someone else offers the same opinion I tend to get angry.

People can be rude. People can be hurtful. People can be distant. People are human. People can be compassionate. People can bring healing. People can be close friends. People make mistakes. The point is that no matter what the critique is, it is their opinion. While it can hurt sometimes the way they present things sometimes, you cannot let it define who you are to Christ. There are many times, when I live in fear because I am worried about others approval more than what is true. Notice here that I said what is true. I didn’t say what is right. Sometimes we value other people’s perception of us, as a way to define our value.

God is good. God is love. God cares for His children. God is faithful. If I were to have a conversation about those topics, I often need to identify the truths in those previous statements to stay grounded and not worry about what the other person is saying and often taking it as an attack on who God has made me to be.

In the world today, we need to be able to identify the truth first so we can sort out what’s fact and what I call clutter. People sometimes take the clutter and try to put it away in a closet so they no longer have to deal with it. If we don’t know how to identify the clutter, in our minds can you expect others to understand and come beside you to help you sort it out? It’s hard when we are bombarded by so much information, I still try to remember the truths that I know are true.

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