The stars

When I look in your eyes they shine like the constellations
Holding hands walking on the beach, looking at the ocean waves together
The stars give us light in the darkness, and your smile is like the sun
The stars each named by our creator, won’t you slow down enough to enjoy them

The stars in sky, the glimmer in your eyes helps light the world around us
The stars in my universe, shine brighter when we’re holding hands together
The darkness that surrounds me turns to day when I can imagine you with me
The sun can shine but your heart is the gold that shines brighter

The stars don’t have to align to show me the future is bright
I don’t believe in astrology or mythology, but I believe in who God created you to be
I don’t need Darwin to tell me, that we are evolving as we speak
You are a masterpiece, and your personality is unique to you

The stars visit earth whenever you’re around
The stars touch my heart when you and I are together
Like sparks and fireworks on the Fourth of July
The colors of my Savior’s masterpiece show me the beauty of His creation

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