Written as I was dealing with trying to hide what was going on in my life. I didn’t know it then when things were falling
Day: August 10, 2021
It may be easier
Written at a time when my life was hard, and it seemed like it wasn’t going to get easier any time soon. If it were
Would you leave
Written at a time when I couldn’t understand why I was losing so many friends. I was struggling in my mindI was trying to be
I thought I heard
Written at a time when I was being challenged to listen more. We used to laugh together…at the way things worked out…we used to be
Time to reflect
Written at a time when I was struggling to make new friends, because the ones I thought would be there had to part ways. A
Shots fired
Written at a time when I had lost my best friend, and got to the point where I was beginning to realize that there was
Friends no more
Written at a time in my life when my friends were leaving and I had to process a lot to realize that it wasn’t all