If there

If there was a way to bring me peace
If there was a way to help me understand without the pain
If there was a way to help me trust more in you
If there was a way to help me move forward

There is a way to have peace in the hard times
There isn’t a way to live without pain and hard times
I am faced with opportunities to trust as my life gets more unpredictable
I am confident that the things that lie ahead things are going to get better

I don’t understand everything that is going on
I don’t always choose to trust, when I could easily worry
I don’t always choose to be patient when things are so unknown
I don’t always choose the right path, when it comes to a fork in the road

There is a way for me to hope again
There is a way out of this fog I find myself in
There is a way to move forward in a way that will help me grow
There is a way that I can live in security that my God knows what He is doing

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