Just like that

Keep your chin up…is what I was told…keep your head on straight…when things got tough…you let me suffer…you let me take the hit…when everyone left me…I should’ve known…you ran the other way…when I needed someone to vent to…you turned your phone on silent…knowing that if the roles were reversed…I would take your call…

Just like that…my view of you was transformed…when we tried to confront you…you took the easy road…trying to avoid responsibility…why someone would just leave…my life as soon as things got rocky…do other people know…or did you try to keep a secret…and in your gossip…you let things slip…

Just like that…you left my life…when all I wanted was a friend…the hurt your decisions caused…I will always heal…you tried to make things hell for me…and you would’ve succeeded…if I would have kept you in my life…but sometimes when the rubber meets the road…the gloves come off…and you have went silent…

The world sometimes wants us to crash and burn…I don’t like sitting back and letting it happen…some would say…that’s just the way it is…and leave it at that…but sometimes cutting someone off…is the first step…to allow my heart to heal and grow…

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