Do you ever slow down…or are you afraid…that life will pass you by…if your mind is racing…when do you find your calm…when do you find your peace…where do you go to take a break…when is your inner voice the loudest…is it in the silence…or are you afraid of the silence…
In the silence…do you find what you’re missing…in the silence is that when your mind gets a rest…or is it the opposite of me…is the shout of silence…a noise you aren’t used to…when we’re together and have no more words to say…when things slow down…is that what trips you up…
In the chaos…it’s hard to hear your heart…with this world racing…when your peace is shattered…because of a relationship or hardship you have faced…when you’re laying on the pillow…is that when you can rest…or is that what sends your head spinning…
In the silence…there can be growth…in the silence…there can be healing…when your heart is broken…when you don’t feel like yourself…when your alone with your thoughts…so many times we don’t think we deserve it…but this abuse will never win…