You’re my compass when I am lost in the desert
You’re the way when I have lost mine a while back
This world beats me up and leaves me disoriented
I get back up and look to you for guidance
Teach me to look to you, when I feel lost
Tell me to come to you, when I want to run the other way
Instruct me what to do when I seem to lose heart
As I look to my compass I know that you will never break
You know when I want to go astray, and yet I am thankful you never turn away
You know when I don’t want anything to do with you, but you tell me that you want me to come back
I don’t know what to do, but I don’t have to but it’s really hard to trust you with everything
I tend to keep you at a distance, only calling on you when I can’t figure something out
Guide me through this life, and give me direction on how to bring you glory
I am sick of the world telling me that everything is an allegory, why don’t they want to know the truth
I want you to give me the words to speak when I need to
But also teach me to listen when words are not enough