Tell me more babe about how you were raisedTell me more babe about how your life is goingTell me more babe about how your views
A walk in the park
Hold my hand baby and we can go on a walkHold my hand baby let’s go to the parkHold my hand baby try to look
Butterflies in my stomach
Written for my friend Hannah. When I try to talk to you babeThere are butterflies in my stomachWhen I try to form my words nothing
By the hand
I don’t know where my next adventure will lead me…I don’t know where I am going to end up…I don’t know what this crazy life
A beautiful disaster
Sometimes my life feels like a never ending disaster, trying to stay afloat but this world doesn’t make it easyI wish I could take a
Tried to understand
Written when I had a lot of questions about what God was calling me to do. I try to understand the pain you have enduredI
A tune to sing
Written when I was listening to music. A little while ago, I couldn’t think about writing because I was upsetThank the Lord for a song
A battle in my mind
Written because I feel like I have a lot of hesitancies in trusting in God. Each day I wake up/I feel there is a battle
I hold the world
Written at a time when I was trying to remember that God holds everything. (Me to God)I feel that you have forgotten about me I