Pre chorus: I have pursued other things, and drifted away from my first loveI didn’t want to cheat on you with the things this world
A great day for a warrior
Rick stump this is love I want to fight for the broken I want to fight the battle for those who are too weak to
Broken heart
Been trying so hard…to find someone that wouldn’t break my heart again… Crying beneath the blankets…trying to make sure I don’t get hurt again… What
Man to cry
Losing control Audio Adrenaline Some times there is so much that seems to leave me on my face I wanted to stand strong, and pretend
Relentless Affection
Rich Mullin Man of no Reputation I run away and you pursue me with relentless affection You have shown me what it means to love
My own two feet
Sometimes I find myself floating around in reality Trying to step on something while knowing there is nothing My feet I thought so firmly planted,
How do I look
Shopping in the store looking in the mirror, wonderin’ how I look in these pants There is so much emphasis placed on personal appearance But
Can’t stand
I really cant stand not knowing The way you feel about me The way I look at you, not knowing exactly what to do with