People ask me if I have written anything lately/I tell them that I’m kind of in a fog/I tell them my thoughts/flooding my mind/haven’t really
Tag: 2024
People try
People try to tell you do your best, and they’re always sayin’ things like give everything you have/sometimes the situation that you’re in/the journey you’re
You didn’t understand
Livelaughfukit kings You didn’t do anything to endear me to youYou don’t deserve someone like me; here’s a warning to othersI don’t really care, what
Would you tell me
Say something Alexa Cappelli Would you tell me, if you were interested rather than making me wonderWould you ask me, if you wanted to go
Tell me to my face
My mind racing/things around me/changing fast/trying to catch my breath/trying to keep up/with the news/playing catch up with my heart beating/trying to understand/the people that
Stay awake
So lately I’ve been having trouble sleeping…so many things going on…so many scenarios that may never happen…but we all need rest…we all got things we
Ask your questions
Trying to process all that life consists of…trying to understand the tragedies…the world tries to taint us…often when we are sad…we tend to curl up…and