I want to know

There are times in my life when we want to know what’s going to happen next, but that’s not always the case.

I was living life just going through the motions, and it got me thinking what can I possibly do to make a difference in
my world? I wanted to write, but when we got down to it I found a lot of excuses.
I could’ve come up with a thousand reasons about why I didn’t feel led to write today,
but it was like the only thing standing in my way was me. I know that I need to write about the rough times,
but sometimes I don’t want to. I opened my eyes, and tried to get up. I fell back asleep and then I woke up again.
It was like trying to do something, but not having the energy to do what was needed.
Is it because I don’t have a job like everyone else, or is it that my job is like nobody else’s?
I find it hard to be real with the way I feel, when I don’t persevere.

There are days though, I want to write and the good Lord won’t let me sleep.
Why can’t I find a balance, between writing and getting the rest I need.
I want to know the reason behind my writer’s block. So many things I don’t understand, but that is probably why
I love learning. I want to share God’s love with other’s but for me, it’s through my gift of writing.
I sometimes don’t want to use my talents, because it would just be better if I fell asleep.
It’s kind of like a gift that you forget about, and when you could really use it you remember it.
There is a lot of learning that goes on even as I write these words.

The more I write and read, the more I see there is a need for new songs.
I know I have been writing a book, but even that had to be put on hold.
A story of my life in poem form, for several days provided the break I needed.
I love writing while I listen to music as I write, but there are times when I hear a song and it reminds me of a time
in my life that I could possibly write about. Then I get encouraged, and then I write a lot.
Things get in my way, and there obstacles that stand in my way. Do I push through these or let them define the way
my day is going to go? I know there is a lot of feelings going on inside of my head, but sometimes that leads to me
writing. Other times I get overwhelmed with emotion and it sometimes I can’t write.

There comes a time when you have to face the music. Sometimes the simplest of revelations is enough to get you through
the day. It is really hard for me to adjust to the changing world around me, but I don’t want to become accustomed to
the way things were before, because the Lord has shown me there is so much more. I sometimes think my writing is good,
and other days I wonder if I should even post it. Then there other days, that I keep writing even though I don’t want
to and it’s in those moments that I let the Lord use me to write. I want this to be the norm, but I need to get there

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