I will never forget

I will never forget the abuse that I suffered
I can never heal if I refuse to be honest
I have never experienced a situation that left me feeling so alone
I come wanting healing from the hurt from the past I never deserved

If it were up to me would I choose to walk alone
If it were left up in the air would anyone else really care
If I tried to justify in my mind the reasons that my marriage fell apart
I think I would go insane and make myself sick

My journey is complicated, and sometimes downright sad
My life can never heal if I choose places to conceal deep inside
If I am too open would you kindly leave my life right now
If I am too honest, would you turn your back on me

I fear that someone would hurt me, steal then abandon me
It’s happened to me before, but I won’t let it happen again within myself
Sometimes I am so ashamed that I don’t hide from others as much as from myself
If you would listen, come along side me, maybe even listen and then begin to heal

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