Trying so hard to count down the days/till we can be together/it’s been hard because the minutes seem to drag on and on/Will the hours/really
This world
This world tries to tell us that we can never be good enoughThis world tries to tell us that we will never amount to anythingThis
The world clearer
Let’s go on a walk/let’s watch the sunset over the ocean/looking at eachother’s eyes/seeing all the colors of the rainbow/There are times/the storms seem to
Storms in my life
If there was a storm…would you snuggle underneath the covers…or would you run to the window to watch the front roll in…The rain pounding on
My heart broken
Will the pain I feel overtake meWill the hurt that you have caused me ever healWill the heart I trusted you with ever be the
I lay awake
Listening to music thinking about our future togetherListening to music thinking about who we were beforeListening to music thinking about what could beListening to music