Songs (Running list) 1

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My SongSongArtistTopicKeywordsAdded to Songs I’ve used iTunes PlaylistKey and my vision for the song
A giftFunny girlRaelynnFriendship is a giftfriendship is a gift; we get lonely; closer when we are together; coloring; activities with each other; some pain but focusing on the good;X + audio2 FLATS
Key of B Flat Major
114 BPM

Drums Guitar
Be kindA letter to meJenna RaineBe kind to yourself and othersencourage my inner self; be kind to people but it also applies to yourself; never blame myself for the mistakes; the mistakes help write your story;X + audioKey of C# Major 7 #
BPM 158

Call the repair manJust cause I love youAvery AnnaAsking for helprepair my broken heart; chaos; treasure hunt; pieces scattered; great physician; present and future;X + audio2 # D Major
137 BPM
Come outJealous of the skyAshley CookeNot hiding behind anythingdon’t hide anymore; be honest about how I am feeling; fresh start; stop trying to put on a front; light from darkness; open up your eyes;X + audio2 # B minor

Drums Keyboard

144 BPM
Do you feel the sameAccidents happenBellesFinding balance between sharing everything and nothingDon’t have it all together; whirlwind; overwhelmed; highs and lows; look ahead not always behind; am I awake;X + audioA Major
2 flats
79 BPM
Get it outBrighter than the sunColbie CaillatHopeBottle it up; let it go; everything falls apart; okay to vent; don’t shut down;X + audioA Flat Major
4 flats
96 BPM
How can I stopHillbilly boneBlake SheltonEncouragementbest friend; don’t have to talk; looking forward to time together; ask for what we need; no judgement here; only the beginning;X + audioG Major
1 #
144 BPM


If it wereThe sidewalk ruleAva Liv MabryUncertaintyremember the good times; look ahead; break free from the past; dream of the future;X + audioD Major
2 #
112 BPM

It’ll be okayA few hearts agoKylie MorganThings will get better/brighterMy feelings are real; both side of the spectrum; stronger when we work the pain; love is stronger than pain; never discount the way your feeling;X + audioE Flat Major
3 Flats
166 BPM

Like timeFavorite songColbie Caillat (Featuring Common)Making the most of your time on earthtime flies by; time stands still; getting found when we were lost; anticipation; sharing experiences with each other;X + audioA Flat Major
94 BPM


Genre : Country
Love is strongerMade meAnslee DavidsonLove is a powerful thingdon’t forget what you’ve been through; honesty is key to a good relationship; love is pure; love is strong; love is fierce; love is tender;X + audioE major
4 #
129 BPM
Keyboard Country
Make me feelSurvive my own mindAshley KutcherFeelings and the things that influence themfeel everything feel nothing; alive; joyful; feel seen; heard; look forward to happier days ahead;X + audioC # Major
7 #
85 BPM
Take a minuteLove you more Ashley KutcherFriendshiptake a break; feeling tired; discouraged to be honest;X + audioE flat Major 3 Flats
173 BPM
The deeper reasonLove is embarrassingOlivia RodrigoMore than what’s on the surfacehide; thinking I was better; used to be easy to share; the world has changed thatX + audioD Major
2 #
105 BPM
You wouldHey girl Anne WilsonLoyaltyalways there no matter what; opposite emotions; hold my heart;X + audioC Major
No # or Flats
75 BPM
Love is stronger
Song I wroteSongArtistTopicKeywordsAdded to Songs I’ve used iTunes PlaylistKey and my vision for the song
Because youFlat on the floorCarrie UnderwoodExploitationkindness; how we feel matters; love; hate;X + audioD Major 2 #
176 BPM

Keyboard and guitar
Crumble it upCruel intentionsLexi JadeNot everyone has pure intentionsprotect your heart; know who to share with; don’t trust everyoneX + audioA Major 3 #
BPM 105
Do I Numb little BugEm BieholdStrengthDiscouragement; hope; some days are better than othersX + audioA flat minor 7 flats
Instrument: keyboard
85 BPM
Give me your handBuy a boy a baseballHigh ValleyPrioritiesLooking ahead; looking back; anticipation of the future;X + audioG Major
1 #
156 BPM
Got me thinkinFools goldKimberly PerryDon’t act on impulseThink twice; safe guardsX + audioB minor 2 #
95 BPM
Had meYou stupid bitchgirl in redTrust brokenreal love; real heart; schemes; comfort; resourcesX + audio B minor 2 #
149 BPM

If it were possibleA non fiction love songJillian EdwardsLooking aheadlove story; partner in life; balance; X + audioE Major 4#
Written in mode
If you had a heartDidn’t break mineBellesCold hearts don’t show lovelots of questions; treat others the way you want them to treat youX + audioC # Major 7 Sharps 122 BPM
If you wouldHotter than meEmlynPerson in the mirrormaster of deception; who are you to tell me how to feel; fake;X + audioC# Major
7 Sharps
95 BPM

My teamBubblyColbie CaillatTeamworkencouragement; different ways to heal; different perspectives; haven; anchors;X + audioA Flat Major
4 Flats
128 BPM

See yaSierraMaddie and TaeFireworks;
Know who you can cut out; selfishness will not fly; short fuse; matchesX + audioB Flat Major
2 Flats
112 BPM
Drums Guitar
So much to doFeel like hell todayCooper AlanKeep your head updon’t let others bad moods affect yours;X + audioD Major 2 #
76 BPM
Sweet like honeyStupid CupidJaxCan’t trust everyone Love is hard; love is worth it; not everyone shows itX + audioG Major
1 #
Keyboard Pop
126 BPM
Tell me what you’re drivin’I hate trucksBellesFriendshipwaiting; fun; encouragement; being openX + audioA flat Major 4 flats
156 BPM
The breakLose my numberHaley Mae CampbellPeople change their mindslies; deception; crying; getting stronger after; our actions affect others;X + audioE Major 4 #
176 BPM
Think twiceHe gave me a ringBellesLessons are hard to learnpeople take advantage; kindness; hurt; hearts can be different;X + audioA Major 3 #
79 BPM
Watch outHot minuteKaylee RoseBe on your guardhurting; not everyone is safe; backstabbing;X + audioD Major 2 #
142 BPM
What a fakeNarcissistAvery AnnaAuthenticitylearn from the mistakes of others; some people want to watch others burn;X + audioC # Major 7 Sharps
Guitar Country
144 BPM
What the…I Don’t Give a F BoyDani TaylorAsking hard questions
disappear; trickery; deception; covering for yourself; hurting others to protect yourself;X + audioC # Minor 4 #
96 BPM
WhySpecial placeDanielle BradberryTrust has to be builtmake things up; manipulation; taking advantage of kindness; money is red flagX + audioC Major

83 BPM
Country Guitar
You thoughtYou don’t deserve these tearsLexi Jademanipulationsaying what you think I want to hear; but only to get more out of me; not true love;X + audioC # Major 7 #
172 BPM
You told meoops my badEmlynWords are powerfullove is actions; you can’t say you love someone only to to fulfill your own agendaX + audioA Minor
No # No flats
200 BPM
You tried toSo am ICarly Bannister featuring Jillian EdwardsCommon interests doesn’t always mean connectionbetter off without you; feelings change; didn’t need you then don’t need you ever;X + audioF Major
1 flat
142 BPM

Have fun