EMOTION : SCARED When I have been anxious and afraid of the worstThen I try to remember that the reasons I am is because you
I thought if
EMOTION : NUMB I thought if I made myself numb the pain would go awayI thought if I would get better by keeping my feelings
It isn’t me
EMOTION : CHEATED We’ve heard it before that it isn’t you it’s meWe’ve let it be the norm, not trying to offendIt took me a
I tried my best
EMOTION : ALONE Sitting in the hospital I tried to be accessible when I was neededSitting by the bedside, listening to the monitors as you
See through
EMOTION : VULNERABLE I hear you say I should be more openI also hear that sometimes I should just hold back what I am feelingSo
If you really
EMOTION : ABUSED If you really cared for my heartWhy did you crush it when I gave myself to youIf you really understood the meaning
I don’t know how
EMOTION : ABANDONED I tried to hold your handYet you disappeared when things got darkI tried to help you when you fell but you told
List of emotions that I am feeling
I am feeling angryI am feeling anxiousI am feeling scaredI am feeling discouragedI am feeling downI am feeling behindI am feeling cheatedI am feeling helplessI
Walk beside me
Written at a time as I was wondering if God really was there walking beside me. Take me on a walk, a never ending journeyAs